26 April 2006

Base Jumping

Recently, my child decided to climb a tree, this is not new to him, he's been doing it for years...

the fact that his sister was kicking buns all over the soccer pitch didn't really cross his mind at all, she's fine she's taking on all the boys just like she does in the backyard. He just wanted to get higher. Yes the tree is on a slope beside the pitch, and not necessarily the largest tree available,but hey, why not?

well he was to find out why not.

I was absorbed shall we say, in encouraging the sister to do her worst to the offending team opposing her - in the nicest way possible, really. Anyway.

I heard the CRACK as the branch broke, I saw periphirally, him fall and smack the ground fairly hard, it must have been the hardness that prompted the post fall comments - I'm sticking with that.

He didn't cry.

I did ask if he was ok.

I said all the motherly things about how you shouldn't be climbing the tree, you should be watching your sister, how many games has she watched you play in? Didn't I just ask you to get out of that other tree? Yes I should have specified that all trees were off limits.

He sat quietly for a thoughtful moment and then said

"you know mum, before I hit the ground it felt really great.... like I was flying."


"it was exactly the same as when I broke my arm, before I hit the ground it felt like I was FLYING." (he was thrown from a horse and managed to hang onto one rein and avoid hitting the fence)

So I know base jumping is in my future, thank goodness I've got time to prepare- mentally that is.


The arm is NOT broken only badly bruised.

Thank goodness they know him down at the Dr.'s surgery, our Dr. just asked "what was it this time?"


A Woman's Europe is a snazzy little read.

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