11 January 2007

noun, two words. or one. depends on what you like.

chicken pot pie reheated at 1am. with a green leafy salad. and a lovely glass of milk.

he had just brushed his stubbly chin across my belly. the sweet bliss of pleasures yet to be had were right there for the taking. ..

you know the feeling, you squeeze your eyes tighly closed, grab the pillow, roll over quickly in the vain hope that you might just somehow slip back into that delicious dream.

but no.

it is not to be.

why? because of the two little people who have invaded your space because THEY can not sleep, and they miss him, sadly not the bloke in the dream, but the one whom donated genetics.


jet lag -noun a temporary disruption of the body's normal biological rhythms after high-speed air travel through several time zones.

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