29 September 2006

He's bright, he's bored, they're challenged.

The teachers are lovely. One is slightly less lovely than the others and it has nothing to do with appearances. She came to the meeting unprepared, I think this might be a habit.

I was gracious and direct with a bit of sugar to help things along.

The child has straight A's. There are kids that are failing, but not him. Yes he is a bit like the pied-piper of talking, he starts, they follow and then mayhem. I am all for the decrease in talking during class time. I told them, boy and teachers. If the kid completes his work and double checks it and you have not gotten the challenging work out yet, well frankly sounds like a personal problem to me, we are in week seven - crack that challenging work out.

No I have not had him tested. They'd like me to test him. I am not a fan. I get the impression, everybody wants to test their kid. I don't, if he's clever, great, give him more work, make his brain all kind of wrinkled, I don't need to label him in order for the public school system to educate him.

So we both survived the meeting. He was much more subdues this evening, and a little contemplative. That is all I am asking for. He is still a child.

Things we have learned in our new house.

The neighbours dog has a rubbish gut, she does not like broccoli.

Australian cats are baffled by squirrels. Squirrels will yell at cats regardless of their nationality. No matter how much a cat paws at the window, squirrels will not come over and say hello.

If the dishwasher hose comes disconnected from the rubbish disposal under the sink while the dishwaser is running, there is enough water to mop the entire living areas of the house. This is not the ideal way to mop floors.

Wood laminate floors are very slippy. If you run in your socks and then skid you can make a slide approximately 10-12 ft. Timber doorframes are HARD. If you hit a timber doorframe while performing a slide it is both painful and embarrassing. Hitting a doorframe during a slide does not give you a concussion, but it might feel like one.

Glass jars will break on the concrete floor of the garage even if you are doing a good deed when you drop it.

Burned popcorn does not make the smoke detector go off, toast stuck in the toaster does.

It takes nearly two hours to retrain the electric garage door opener to a new keyless entry remote and a built it car remote. Retraining garage door openers might encourage someone to drink heavily or give them an eye twitch. Or both.

When it is nighttime and all the lights are out, it is good to remember the location of the light you just turned off, NO ambient light filters into the new house.


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